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Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
I am currently working as a DB Consultant with Ashnik. We are into Open Source and Cloud based enterprise class solutions. Prior to this I was working as a DBA @ Misys India (Banking Services). Working on IBM DB2, Oracle Microsoft SQL Server. Selected as IBM Champion for Data Management 2011. I like bit of photography, cycling, poetry and I just love gadgets!!

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Be critical of what you did n be Logical to what you gonna do

This is going to be an offbeat post!!! You might not find a very good technical tip in this but I hope this will help you improve your attitude towards performance tuning...

Nothing n trust me nothing can subsidize a poorly designed application...

I will just discuss some basic mistakes which people commit, which should be revisited:

1) indexing
If you have not indexed properly you should not expect too much out of a processor even if it is say 10GHz!!! You have to live with skewed I/O

2) Placement of Tables
If you have not segregated your tables as per their nature and volume of data, using too many container is not going to help you

3) Level of Normalization
Some redundancy won't ruin your application esp if the data is write once, read always... I know this is going to be debated...
I heard someone saying "It is better to have something which works rather than something Architecturally correct and does not work!!!"

4) access queries
do you expect a magical h/w solution to improve performance of a query "select * from my_Blogs where upper(Title) like '%CRITICAL%LOGICAL%' "
No hardware can help you scale when actual problem is with your Application and Database design...

5) Designing at a per-mature phase in Development Life cycle
An even more basic problem... You did not care to understand business, and screwed up the db design and now you have to fire a count(*) to get count of records for a blog reads from a given ACCOUNT, if you knew business may be you had planned this better...

6)improper molding of business scenarios in your architecture
Business defines requirements and not other way round... As a DBA understand business and it is absolutely normal to question business requirements...
My user requirement might ask me for a new functionality, but I need to see how it fits in my current solution and its architecture...
Just do not try to solve a problem with an advanced feature, which could have been solved in a much simpler way... For Instance many people think that Partitioning or MDC (on a column which has even distribution of data) is gonna help them get an awesome performance for tables which has huge volume of data...

7)Get out of conventional notions...
I have seen well experienced people thinking that Stored Procs will perform better compared to a prepared statement wrapped in a java code... or application caching will always help... These are myth... Stored procs are definitely preferable in certain instances, but not always... Putting too much load on application cache leaves too less memory with your application for itself and for any data which is not cached and will be read online...

Please guys, these were just examples and I do not want people to carry the notion that I have committed these blunders...

I really pity people who think that performance is more of an infrastructure and hardware issue... Or going for some advanced features of a s/w will help them... If you are suggesting these to your clients, BEWARE your client will curse you first for providing a bad solution and second for increasing its IT cost to support a poorly designed application...

I hope this post will help think more rationally... So when you hit a performance bottleneck, be critical of what you have already developed and be logical about what solution you are going to propose...